Diagnosing Internet IssuesDiagnosing Internet Issues

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Diagnosing Internet Issues

Do you remember the last time you went a few days without the Internet? If you were on a camping trip, it might not seem like a big deal. However, if you were sitting at home with an unresponsive phone, that non-existent connection might have been a little more frustrating. If you are like most people, the Internet acts as a lifeline to the rest of the world, helping you to complete online banking, communicate with friends, or even to watch television. I hate Internet outages with a passion, which is why my blog is devoted to helping you diagnose Internet issues early.

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3 Advantages Of On-Demand Streaming Via Internet Instead Of Cable

When you have good internet from a good internet service provider, you may want to consider kicking your cable TV subscription out of your monthly budget and opting instead for on-demand programming. On-demand streaming services give you a lot to watch for a smaller amount of money, and all it takes is high-speed internet to make the service work properly. Check out some of the advantages of on-demand streaming via the internet instead of paying for cable. 

Build a profile that gives you suggestions that match your interests. 

The majority of on-demand subscription services for TV and movies allow you to create a user profile. When you are in the process of creating that profile, you get to pick and choose what types of movies or shows you normally watch. Additionally, the more you watch or rate the things you do watch, the platform will offer you suggestions based on your usual interests. For example, if you really like crime documentaries and crime investigation shows, your subscription service platform will start suggesting more of these types of shows to you the more you watch them. It would be a little like turning on cable television and seeing that all channels have changed their programming depending on what you usually watch. 

Watch the things you like when you want to watch them. 

When you are paying for cable television, you are at the mercy of the channels when it comes to watching what you want. Channel surfing, checking local guide listings, and such are how you would have to go about watching something you really want to watch. With an on-demand streaming service, you get to sign in, pick a show, and watch it. There is no need to wait for something you like to come on; it will be ready and waiting to be watched whenever you get good and ready. 

Avoid the high costs of cable services. 

The average cable television subscriber spends about $85 a month on cable TV, and if you have any extras or premium channels, you are likely going to pay even more. If you are paying only for an on-demand streaming service that you watch with the internet, you are likely going to pay far less than that. For example, something like Amazon Prime, which gives you Amazon Video, is only about $10 a month. Hulu and Netflix both have plans that start out close to the same.